On this page we have tried to list and answer the most frequently asked questions about our simulator. If you still can't find what you're looking for here, we would be happy to receive your questions or feedback. The easiest way to do this is to use our contact page.
Start by first adding a desired two-wheeler to the display in the Simulator using the button "Add motorcycle". With the help of the settings on the left side you can then change various parameters (such as the height of the rider or the passenger). The settings affect all added bikes. This allows you to directly compare the ergonomics of the different bikes.
You will find more detailed explanations of the setting options in the next section.
Here are a few short explanations of the setting options:
Motonomics tries to simulate the ergonomics of the rider and passenger for the various bikes as accurately as possible. However, the values can only ever be an approximation of reality. For example, the suspension compression due to the weight of the rider, the width of the tank and the knee closure cannot be taken into account.
The best impression for the ergonomics of a motorcycle is still obtained while riding. And let's face it, that's also the most fun ;)
Unlike the manufacturer's specifications, we calculate the seat height solely with the help of the image of the respective bike. However, since a motorcycle suspension is compressed by the weight of the rider and the liquids (oil, fuel), the actual seat height is usually somewhat lower than that calculated by us. This spring travel is dependent on the chassis of the motorcycle and therefore not always the same height and can therefore not be taken into account by our simulation.
However, this has no effect on seat ergonomics, since the distance between the seat, footrests and handlebars is not affected.
We strive to constantly update and expand our bike database. But if you are missing a certain bike, we are happy to add it to our database on request. On our contact page you will find a form especially for this purpose. Just enter the appropriate data of the bike here and upload a suitable picture of the bike and we will provide it as soon as possible in our simulator.
If you should have noticed a mistake on our site or in the simulator, just tell us about it using our contact page. We will check the problem and fix it as soon as possible. Thanks for your help!